Psy/Changeling Wiki

Pavel "Pasha" Mayakovskevich Stepyrev is a member of the StoneWater bear clan and one of the clan's seconds.


The twins were real nuisances as children. Because of that their mother ist very strict.

Physical Appearance[]

He has medium brown skin, aqua green eyes, and mahogany/dark brown hair. His paternal ancestry is from Angola.

In contrast to his twin, he needs glasses, because he can't see two feet without them. Also has crappy night vision.

Has dimples which he uses as advantage in flirting. His twin hates the dimples.

Personality and Traits[]

Has a razor sharp mind and the same dominance as his brother. Some of the intuition of the brothers seems to be inherited from their great-grandfather, who was a foresight-psy.

Both twins only need about 5 hours of sleep and love to wrestle one another.

Abilities and Skills[]

He is the tech expert of the clan. He installed another screen for Silver as she is handling a EmNet emergency at denhome and helped her for a few hours handling the data. She offered him a job after that.



Is flirting with Arwen Mercant, Silvers empath brother.

Is the twin of Yakov “Yasha” Stepyrev and great-grandson of Déwei Nguyen, a psy forseer



Silver Silence[]


Ain't No Party Like a Bear Party (Newsletter Short Story)[]


Alpha Night[]


Last Guard[]

appears (POV) ; romance with Arwen Mercant develops

